Saturday, January 06, 2007

It seemed like a good idea....

I, having woke up early and having some time on my hands decided to dick around with the old blog. Blogger has been nagging me to upgrade to their new and fabulous template, and I have been toying with the idea of feeding comments through haloscan. So off into the depths of internet hell I merrily tripped. After a certain amount of vigorous swearing, I was able to implement the changes. Ooopsie! Where the f##%$$# did all the f*%$$@&&ing comments go? Let me caution you, read the boiler plate. If I had read the fine print and caveats I would have seen that my comments would not import to haloscan. In order to restore them is going to require a certain investment in time, cutting and pasting. I apologize to everyone who has been commenting on my blog (Even Anonymous) since I wouldn't be indulging in this low level narcissism if I wasn't trying to find out what other people think. I will be trying to restore things to there proper place in the blogosphere in the coming days. For the moment, I am heading off to the gym and will try not to dislocate my shoulder while I am doing shrugs. Oh BTW, Anonymous, skinny? Really? Cool!